(800) 488-5350

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Medical Review Officer Services

A Medical Review Officer (MRO) is the centerpiece of a robust, legally defensible drug testing program.  They are oftentimes referred to as the gatekeepers of the drug testing program that reviews all paperwork and documentation provided by all parties, such as the donor, the collector, the testing facility (laboratory), and the employer. Secure Screenings programs provide MRO services compliant with all Federal Drug Testing program requirements.

MRO Services Include

  • Review all drug testing results that are reported by the laboratory as positive, adulterated, substituted, invalid, or rejected for testing, then report final result to the Employer, Federal Agency or C/Tpa
  • Confidentially maintains all records and drug testing information
  • Conducts/requires a medical evaluation of the donor when the collector reports that the donor was unable to provide a urine sample (Shy Bladder)
  • Performs investigations of any problems identified during the drug testing process and notifies the employer/client of regulatory findings.
  • Monitors errors and notifies parties responsible to ensure the appropriate corrective action in taken

All laboratory-based drug testing in the Secure Screenings portal is analyzed at a SAMHSA Certified Laboratory and reviewed by our MRO.  Access to all pending and reported results are made available in our secure web portal.  Final test results are made available once the MRO provides final verification of the results and signs off.  Negative results are automated in our system and for any non-negative results, the MRO will review the documentation, conduct a confidential donor interview via phone, and validate all information before releasing the final MRO verified results.  This procedure follows 49 CFR part 40 regulations.


